About Private Pad
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ONBPAD Private Pad is a dedicated platform for private token sales of high-potential blockchain startups. By participating in Private Pad, ONB holders and users of the Onebit Ventures community gain exclusive access to promising investment opportunities before they go public.
Key features:
Highly-vetted process: Each project is carefully evaluated to ensure its potential and credibility.
Secure and transparent: All transactions are conducted on the blockchain, ensuring security and transparency.
Early access to promising projects: Gain early access to innovative blockchain projects with high growth potential.
Community-first approach: Priority is given to ONB holders and members of the Onebit Ventures community.
There are 2 types of pools on Private Pad:
VIP pool
Users with ONBPAD tiers
Users must be among the required tiers for each deal
Whitelist with guaranteed allocation
Community pool
All users, no tier required
Users must complete social tasks
Want to launch your own Private sale on Private Pad? Kindly fill in this form and we will contact you. Or reach out to our administrators on Telegram community.